Mr. McCaugherty
Art Resources
April 2nd:
Hi students! I hope all of you were able to collect your materials from the school this week. I made sure to set out a sketchbook for all of you! I thought we could start off our online art class by completing a bingo challenge. I have made a bingo sheet that includes a bunch of ideas of things to sketch. The goal would be to get a "black-out", meaning you would sketch everything on the bingo sheet. I'm asking you to choose 3 things to draw over the next week. If you find yourself bored and think you might be watching too much TV or playing too many video games, grab your sketchbook instead and complete more than three!
Here are the instructions and the printable Bingo Sheet:

April 9th:
Hi students! This week I'd like you to continue working on your sketching bingo. I'd also like you to give a "Blind Contour Drawing" a try. When you make a blind contour drawing, rather than looking at your page/pencil and looking at an object, you only look at the object and you DON'T look at your page or pencil while you are drawing.
In this activity, I would like you to bring a piece of paper or your sketch book outside with a pencil.
Once you are outside, please follow these instructions:
1. Pick out an object (flower, tree, plant) that you'd like to draw.
2. Choose one point on the object (example: start at the top), and start drawing that part of the object. As your eye moves around the outside of the object, so should your pencil on your paper, drawing the outside of the object.
3. Try drawing the entire "contour" (aka edge/outside of the object) WITHOUT lifting your pencil or looking at your pencil.
4. Once you are finished, take a look at your drawing.
5. Try again! Each time you will become more familiar with the object and what you are drawing. :)
Thank you to Kinder Art for this activity.
April 16th:
Hi students! This week I have a "Handprint Prism" art project for you to work on.
The instructions can be found at:
Supplies you need:
- paper
- pencil crayons
- pencil
- ruler or book with straight edge
- Trace your hand on the sheet of paper
- Have your family members each trace their hand on the paper (it is encouraged to have them overlap or intersect)
- Use the ruler or book to create some vertical and horizontal lines to connect one edge of the paper to another edge of the paper
- Colour in the shapes with different colours.
Thank you to Woo Jr! for this activity.

April 23rd:
Hi students! This week our art project is focused on Earth Day.
Your task is to create a creature out of recycled items that can be found around your house.
First, draw a picture of a creature you want to create. An example: turtle, dinosaur, horse, etc.
Next, redraw your photo using recycled items you can find around your house. Example: toilet paper roll, plastic bottles, tissue box, cereal box, etc.
Lastly, build your creature using your recycled items and tape!
Thank you PBS Learning Media for this activity.
Photo Credit: Craft Project Ideas

April 30th:
Hi students!
This week I would like you to write and decorate a card for a person you miss. It could be a family member, a friend, a neighbour, or even a teacher or staff member at the school.
To get creative in your card making, you could practice how to draw 3D letters.
Follow the instructions here:
What you will need:
1. How to PDF Instructions
2. Paper
3. Markers
Thank you to Art Projects for Kids for posting this activity.

May 7th:
Hi students! This week your art project is to make a card for Mother's Day, which is this Sunday, May 10th!
All you will need for this project is paper (if you have coloured paper - great, but if you don't, you can just use white paper and colour it with pencil crayons or makers!), scissors, and glue/tape.
1. Take a piece of paper and fold it in half hamburger style to create a card.
2. Take a different blank sheet of white paper and draw a rectangle, a heart, two circles (one slightly bigger than the other), and a pea pod shape (see photo)
3. Cut out your objects and colour them with pencil crayons, crayons or a marker. I chose to colour my rectangle yellow and my heart pink, but you can choose whatever colours you would like. Colour your circles a light shade of green and your pea pod a darker shade of green.
4. In dark marker, write "Ha-Pea" Mother's Day! on the rectangle. Glue the rectangle to the front of the card at the top.
5. Glue your circles on the middle of the front of the card (with the bigger circle going on the RIGHT)
6. Glue the pea pod shape onto the card so it slightly overlaps on the circles.
7. Glue on the heart above the circles.
8. Write a poem or note inside of the card!
9. Give to someone on Mother's Day!
Thank you to Crafty Morning for posting this activity.

May 14th:
Hi students! This week your project is to do painting at home with supplies that are in your cupboard.
What you will need:
- spices and unused kitchen items
- paper
- water
- paintbrush (if you don't have one, that's okay. Look below for what to use instead!)
Please don't waste any food doing this project. Ask your parent if there are any old expired spices that you would be able to use (such as cinnamon, turmeric, cayenne pepper, curry, paprika, etc) or you could even try kool-aid or jello powder. Make sure you do not have any allergies to the food items you are experimenting with, and ensure you have parental supervision and approval for using those items!
Gather a few cups or bowls and put a small amount of warm water into the bowls. Then add your spice or your kool-aid or jello powder to dissolve it into the water. Stir with a spoon. Experiment on a piece of paper first to see which colours look the best. Then you can paint a painting with your kitchen supplies!
If you do not have a paintbrush:
Do you have a cotton swab (eg. Q-tip), or an old toothbrush? What about making a brush with a collection of pine needles? Be creative!
Thank you to The Art of Education University for posting this activity.
May 28th:
Hi students! This week your project is to make art with milk, soap & food colouring!
Here is a link that shows the project:
What you will need:
- Plate
- Milk
- Dish soap (any kind!)
- Food colouring
- A tooth pick, or a chopstick or a q-tip or a stick.. something to use to dip into the milk!
1. Grab your plate
2. Pour a small amount of milk on your plate (just enough to cover the bottom of the plate)
3. Place droplets of food colouring anywhere on the milk that has been poured on the bottom of the plate
4. Dip your toothpick or chopstick into dish soap first, and then dip into the milk and food colouring on the plate.
5. Watch the colours dance!
Thank you to AWESMR Kids for posting this activity.
Feel free to email photos to Ms. Watters showing off your creations! *You are not being asked to send any photos to AWESMR Kids. Just to Ms. Watters if you want to.*
June 4th:
Hi students! This week your project is to make a rainstick.
What you will need:
- A paper towel roll
- Construction paper and markers (if you want to decorate your rainstick)
- Tape
- Aluminum foil
- 1/2 cup rice or bird feed, etc
1. Draw a design or picture on your construction paper
2. Tape the construction paper onto the paper towel roll
3. Tape the end of the paper towel roll (so no rice will be able to escape out of it!
4. Loosely crumple up some aluminum foil so it is slightly shorter than the length of your paper towel roll
5. Place the aluminum foil into the paper towel roll
6. Place 1/2 cup rice or bird feed inside the paper towel roll
7. Tape off the open end of the paper towel roll
8. Turn it to the side! Listen to the rainstick.
June 11th:
Hi students! This week your art project is to make your own chalk out of household materials and use your chalk outdoors on a piece of paper to make a chalk painting!
What you will need:
- Cornstarch
- Gel food colouring
- Hot water
- Jars or containers of some sort (one for each colour you want to make! This recipe should be enough for 5 colours)
- Blender or whisk
- Black construction paper (or other paper if you don't have that!)
1. Blend 1 cup of cornstarch with 2 cups of hot water for one minute. (Best if done in a blender but make sure you have permission to do so. If not, use a whisk!)
2. Place 5 drops of food colouring in each jar/container (so 5 drops of blue in one jar, 5 drops of yellow in another, etc)
3. Pour the cornstarch and water mixture equally into each jar and stir each jar separately.
4. Take the mixtures outside with your paper and something you can use as a paint brush (be creative like before!) and make a painting with your home-made chalk! Wait until your painting is fully dry to see the full effect of the paint :)
Thank you to Mama Papa Bubba for posting this activity.
June 18th:
Hi students! This week your project is to make a Father's Day card! We are going to be making superhero themed cards.
You get to choose if you'd like to make a Ninja Turtle card, a Batman card, or a Spiderman card!
Follow the instructions here:
PE Resources
April 2nd:
Hi Students! Here is a PE relay race that can be done at home either with a sibling or with a family member. It would be best if you could do it outside or somewhere that you have a lot of space and have nothing breakable around you.
What each participant will need:
- a pair of socks folded together (this will be your "ball")
- a laundry hamper or a garbage bin (something to throw your "ball" into)
First, line up the hampers/garbage bins side by side (with some space in between them), and then each take 3 steps back so you're not directly in front of the hampers, but make sure everyone racing starts at the same distance away from the hampers.
Next, once someone yells "GO!" you must do 10 squats, and then throw your socks into the bin.
If you miss, you must go grab the socks, run back to the position you were at and redo your 10 squats and then try throwing again.
If you get the ball into the bin, run and grab the socks, and take ANOTHER three steps back so you're even further away (now you're 6 steps away from the bins).
Do 10 squats, and then try to throw your socks into the hamper again.
If you miss, make sure you run back to redo your squats and try throwing it in again.
If you got the ball into the bin, take ANOTHER three steps back (so you're now 9 steps away) and repeat. Whoever gets the socks into the bin first from 9 steps away, is the winner.
Repeat, except with 20 jumping jacks rather than 10 squats!
If it was a tie.. Repeat again! Except this time, try doing it with 5 pushups instead of 20 jumping jacks or 10 squats.
Have fun!
Thank you to Core Blend Training and Wellness for coming up with this relay game.
April 9th:
Hi Students! Here is a challenge for you. All you will need is 5 sheets of paper. Watch the following YouTube video to complete the Paper Challenge!
Thank you to ThePEGlobe for coming up with this challenge.
April 16th:
Hi students, your activity this week is to complete this BINGO workout challenge. Make sure to have adult supervision while completing the exercises on the BINGO card.
Thank you to Nick Kline at PE Top 5 for coming up with this idea.
April 23rd:
Hi students, your activity this week is to make sure you are getting outside to exercise and enjoy this beautiful weather. Try to go for a long walk, run, hike, bike ride, or ride your horse (if you have one)! While you are outside exercising, try thinking of three things you are grateful for.
April 30th:
Hi students, your activity this week is to complete an outdoor adventure hunt. Here are the items to search for!
Thank you to Design Dazzle for coming up with this activity.
May 7th:
Hi Students! Here is a water bottle challenge for you. All you will need is a water bottle. Watch the following YouTube video to complete the Paper Challenge!
Thank you to ThePEGlobe for coming up with this challenge.
May 14th:
Hi Students! Here is a catching video that allows you to practice your hand-eye coordination skills. Watch the following YouTube video and also learn how to JUGGLE!
Thank you to ThePEGlobe for coming up with this challenge.